Judit Makara
group leader
supervising projects, writing grants and papers, in vitro e-phys, 2P imaging and uncaging
Email me: makara.judit@koki.hu
Berci Andrásfalvy
In vivo and in vitro e-phys, quantum-dots, lab-mechanics, ludicreator
Email me: andrasfalvy.bertalan@koki.hu
Márton Kis
undergraduate student
deep learning, hippocampal representations, python
Email me: kis.marton@koki.hu
Noémi Kis
PhD student
In vitro e-phys, 2P imaging and uncaging, morphological reconstructions
Email me: kis.noemi@koki.hu
Balázs Lükő
software engineer
programming, Labview, suite2P, python, data analysis
Email me: luko.balazs@koki.hu
Ádám Magó
PhD student
In vivo and in vitro e-phys, 2P imaging and uncaging
Email me: mago.adam@koki.hu
Zsófia Németh
lab management, surgeries, virus injection, reconstructions
Email me: nemeth.zsofia@koki.hu
Rita Nyilas
In vivo Ca2+ imaging
Email me: nyilas.rita@koki.hu
Kata Szamosfalvi
undergraduate student
in vivo Ca2+ imaging
Email me: szamosfalvi.kata@tdk.koki.hu
Snezana Raus Balind
In vivo and in vitro e-phys, in vivo Ca2+ imaging
Email me: raus.snezana@koki.hu
Balázs B Ujfalussy
biophysical models, representations, hippocampus, navigation, model-based predictions
Email me: ujfalussy.balazs@koki.hu